Not Fit For Human Consumption

9 December 2023 - 20 January 2024
turntable gallery, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, UK

Visual depictions of scent either in film or artworks have always intrigued me, how smell and distinct reactions to it are perhaps heightened to create very obvious emotions - either pleasure or disgust. It is hard to discover the in between…

The power of scent and perhaps how it could be harnessed through association and assignation are important too, how people wear a signature scent or how a place can become synonymous with ambient smells maybe through a natural or industrial process.

I want to use this power to link the olfactory with art and in particular, sculpture. The 1990 advert for Fendi’s ‘La Passione di Roma’ shows a woman embracing a sculpture. Perfume has the power to bring us closer to art in very intimate ways.

Photography & photo retouching by Stuart Shackleton.

Copyright Darren Neave 2024
Design & technology by Stuart Shackleton